Tuesday 15 March 2011

They call it mellow yellow ..........

It must be because that big yellow ball is in the sky today but on our morning  walk Joe Cocker and I encountered yellow, yellow, yellow everywhere ............
Clusters of happy daffodils ...............
And yellow flowers galore ..........
Even the gorse is glowing .............
A shining backdrop ..........
A flash of yellow from the leaves ...............
Even the signs are in the know ...........
And who covered the cables in our sunshine colour ........
And even a sunshine car!  In this house we say 'Spotto!'
Enjoy the sunshine.


  1. Spotted my first Brimstone butterfly this morning............. Spring has arrived!

  2. Yellow is such a happy making colour!
    Lisa x

  3. Do you know - a neighbour of ours (village ****) actually finds the yellow warning signs on telegraph poles offensive! Yes, he makes a point of stopping me to complain and point out the disturbing colour! I find it hard not to slap him! GET A LIFE! I say! lol village life eh!
    Back to the dust - door fitted!
